About Rijkswaterstaat
Rijkswaterstaat is responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the Netherlands’ primary infrastructure facilities.
Our story
Safety, mobility and quality of life in the Netherlands. That’s what Rijkswaterstaat is working on. So people are protected against flooding. So they can get from A to B quickly and safely. And so they live in a country with sufficient green space, and enough clean water and drinking water for everyone.
We don't do that on our own: in fact, we can't do that on our own. Collaboration is essential. At local level, regional level, national level and international level. The largest aspect of the policy and its implementation in the Netherlands is formed by the legal and regulatory framework of the EU.
The increasing challenges - such as climate change, lack of space and scarcity of raw materials - are global. Traffic and water don't stop at national borders, after all.
How we tackle global challenges
Our organisation
Rijkswaterstaat is part of the Dutch ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement and is divided into multiple subbranches.

Rijkswaterstaat’s news archive chronicles the international milestones, challenges and successes of our work over the years.

Do you have any comments or questions for Rijkswaterstaat? Please feel free to contact us.

Iconic Dutch structures
A 32 km long dyke that separates the Wadden Sea from the IJsselmeer in the Netherlands.

Maeslant barrier
A vital part of the Delta Works and is designed to withstand a storm surge of 5 m above NAP.