Rijkswaterstaat continuously invests in international partnerships to achieve meaningful impact and sustainable progress based on shared knowledge and cooperation.
International partnerships
Collaboration is essential. The increasing challenges - such as climate change, lack of space and scarcity of raw materials - are global. Traffic and water don't stop at national borders, after all. That’s why Rijkswaterstaat is an active member in several European and global network organisations.

Doing business with us
While the government entrusts Rijkswaterstaat with a broad range of tasks, it acknowledges the necessity of working with the private sector. As a result, we outsource certain responsibilities to the private sector.

Rijkswaterstaat Bureau Brussel
Our Office for European Programmes, Rijkswaterstaat Bureau Brussel, is a centre of expertise for European programmes established by Rijkswaterstaat in 2013. Its mission is to encourage, facilitate, and manage cooperation with our European and other international partners on research and innovation projects. We have an office in the heart of the European Quarter in Brussels to facilitate cooperation with European partners.

Do you have any comments or questions for Rijkswaterstaat? Please feel free to contact us.