
EU project STARS4WATER develops new climate and socio-economic scenarios for the Rhine and 6 other river basins

Published on: 7 August 2024, 14:51 hrs

Climate change, combined with changing land and water use, represents one of the greatest challenges for policy, management, and use of national and international river basins. To develop more knowledge and information systems in this area, the EU Horizon 2020 project STARS4WATER has been established.

Supporting stakeholders for Adaptive, Resilient and Sustainable WATER Management (STARS4WATER) aims to enhance the foundational knowledge for the managers and users of the water system in seven river basins in Europe, including the Rhine.

Needs have been identified in close collaboration with stakeholders and so-called socio-hydrological scenarios have recently been developed for each river basin. The international climate scenarios of the IPCC and the socio-economic scenarios at the EU and river basin levels were utilised as a basis for this.

Rijkswaterstaat is a partner in the project and leads stakeholder engagement. The knowledge, information, and collaboration will be used in follow-up projects in the Rhine - via the Rhine Hydrology Commission - and in the Meuse.

More information and the complete document can be found on the Stars4Water website, under deliverable 1.5: Water scenarios for River Basin Hubs.