Circular Minds: Driving circular procurement

Circular Minds is an initiative designed to encourage organisations to adopt circular procurement practices. It aims to transform people’s mindsets, driving a shift towards sustainability. By supporting Circular Minds, Rijkswaterstaat is making a significant contribution to international sustainability goals and advancing the circular economy.

This initiative fits perfectly with Rijkswaterstaat’s commitment to sustainability, resource efficiency and reducing its environmental footprint.

The concept of a circular economy represents a transformative shift that is critical to global sustainability. However, its true impact depends on widespread local and organisational adoption. While pilot projects have shown the immense potential of circular economies, many organisations face implementation challenges that prevent tangible results.

Bridging this gap is critical to unlocking the full benefits and potential of a circular economy and ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Strengthening governance for a circular economy

The Circular Minds project is dedicated to transforming regional development policy by focusing on organisational governance for a circular economy. It aims to scale up the positive impact of public circular economy practices within organisations. This dynamic project involves a wide range of partners across Europe.

This ensures comprehensive coverage and rich inter-regional exchange and learning. By improving organisational governance, Circular Minds integrates circular principles into the core operations of the participating organisations, driving sustainable change from within.

Driving sustainable growth

Circular Minds is driving sustainable growth by facilitating cross-regional exchange and learning. Its mission is to drive policy change and implement effective solutions within organisations. By improving governance in line with circular principles, public authorities and private companies can stimulate job creation within value chains and contribute to sustainable economic growth.

The project's approach addresses key areas such as supply chain management, internal commitment and stakeholder engagement, setting the stage for a more circular and resilient society. This holistic strategy not only accelerates sustainable growth, but also ensures a lasting positive impact on our environment and communities.


01-2024 - 03-2028


Interreg Europe

Project website

Circular Minds


Commission for Regional Development and Coordination of the Alentejo, Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority HSY, Province of Antwerp, South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency, Consejería de Sostenibilidad, Medio Ambiente y Economía Azul de la Junta de Andalucía, Cleantech Bulgaria FoundationCity of Lund, ACR+. Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management