LIFE-IP NAS, implementing climate adaptation measures
Governments, businesses, civil society organisations and citizens are increasingly committed to making the Netherlands resilient to climate change by 2050. These efforts are encouraged and supported by the National Climate Adaptation Strategy (NAS) and the Delta Plan for Spatial Adaptation (DPRA). However, to expedite and streamline these efforts, we need to organise them more intelligently.
The Dutch project LIFE-IP NASCCELERATE (2021-2027), co-funded by the European LIFE Programme, aims to accelerate the implementation of climate adaptation measures in the Netherlands. A consortium of 22 government entities and organisations will implement this project.
As a participant, Rijkswaterstaat is evaluating the potential effects of climate change on the ecological health of large water bodies. The project is being carried out in cooperation with national programmes such as the Delta Programme, Water Framework Directive (WFD), Natura 2000 and Programmatic Approach to Great Waters (PAGW).
The project’s first step is a Climate Scan, which will be followed by the development of a Climate Adaptation Compass and an Action Table 2050, outlining adaptation and mitigation strategies for anticipated climate impacts.
LIFE-IP NASCCELERATE: understanding climate change impact
The project will generate knowledge about the impact of climate change on the health of the ecosystem and the effectiveness of adaptation measures. This will help Rijkswaterstaat in implementing sustainable land management and enhance its network management vision.
Strengthening regional partnerships through joint monitoring and evaluation
Through the Climate Scan and Climate Adaptation Compass, Rijkswaterstaat will gain knowledge, inform policies, and share learned lessons. Collaboration within the project will also fortify its regional partnerships.
The project participants will jointly design and implement a monitoring and evaluation framework. The lessons learned will be actively disseminated and replicated in the Netherlands and across Europe.
Project duration
03-2021 - 12-2027
European project
Life IP
Project website
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, The Province of Noord-Brabant, The Province of Utrecht, Aa en Maas Water Authority, Rijnland Water Authority, Stichtse Rijnlanden Water Authority, Vallei en Veluwe Water Authority,Waternet, Municipality of Apeldoorn, Municipality of Arnhem, Municipality of Dordrecht, Municipality of Gouda, Municipality of Groningen, GGD Rotterdam, Municipality Súdwest-Fryslân, Municipality of Zwolle, Veiligheids- en Gezondheidsregio Gelderland-Midden and LTO Noord