NAPCORE: National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe

NAPCORE is established to coordinate and harmonise more than 30 mobility-data platforms throughout Europe. It is the world's largest partnership in the field of mobility-data platforms. It is co-financed by a Programme Support Action under the European Commission's Connecting Europe Facility.

NAPCORE was launched as a coordinating mechanism to improve the inter-operability of the national access points, which form the backbone of the European framework for sharing mobility data. By harmonising and coordinating mobility-data standards, NAPCORE improves the inter-operability of mobility data in Europe.

NAPCORE also increases access and expands availability of mobility-related data by providing coordinated data access and better harmonising the European NAPs. More to the point, NAPCORE boosts the national access points and national bodies by defining and implementing common procedures and strategy, strengthening the position and the role of NAPs, and supporting steps towards the creation of Europe-wide solutions to facilitate the use of EU-wide data.

National Access Points (NAPs) for mobility data

The ITS Directive (2010/40/EU) and its delegated regulations demand that each European member state set up its own National Access Point (NAP) for mobility data. There are more than 30 operational National Access Points currently in existence in almost all EU member states (and beyond), on which mobility-related data is published and made available for use in the field of travel information services, for instance.

Harmonising compliance assessment processes

NAPCORE is a framework for harmonising the compliance assessment processes for Delegated Regulations (EU) number 885/2013, 886/2013, 2015/962 and 2017/1926. This will result in a common assessment of the implementation of the delegated regulations throughout Europe, making it possible to compare assessments by private international organisations.

The required processes, requisite forms, and quality and evaluation criteria will be discussed under the auspices of NAPCORE and harmonised where necessary. Common strategies will be devised to address private organisations and ITS-related platforms, with the aim of supplying data on the NAPs that fully complies with the delegated regulations.

Establishing a long-lasting platform organisation

NAPCORE was established in the spirit of consultation and cooperation. There are 36 participants: 33 beneficiaries from 26 EU member states and 3 associated partners. In addition, there are 37 Implementing Bodies. The initial runtime of the Programme Support Action is until the end of 2024 but the goal is to establish a long-lasting and future-oriented platform organisation.


April 2021 - December 2024

Project website



NAPCORE Partners