NAPSEA: N and P from Source to Sea

The NAPSEA project is committed to tackling the pressing challenges of nutrient pollution and eutrophication that threaten the health of our inland and coastal waters.

By addressing the entire nutrient pollution pathway from river source to sea, the project’s integrated approach ensures comprehensive solutions that safeguard vital ecosystem services.

The NAPSEA project is dedicated to tackling nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pollution from source to sea. NAPSEA’s aim is to help national and local authorities to select effective measures to reduce nutrient loads and to gain political support for their implementation. The project’s integrated approach addresses nutrient pollution from several key perspectives.

First, from a governance perspective, the effectiveness of policy frameworks at different geographical scales are assessed. Next, the focus lies on pathways and measures, quantifying nutrient emission sources and assessing the impact of both reduction measures and climate change. Finally, ecosystem health by defining safe ecological nutrient limits is emphasised.

By addressing these critical areas, the NAPSEA project aims to provide a holistic and sustainable solution to nutrient pollution.

Exploring effective nutrient management strategies

Rijkswaterstaat plays a key role in the implementation of EU directives to combat eutrophication in both fresh and marine waters, working closely with neighbouring countries. Germany, in particular, is an important partner due to the transboundary transport of nutrients and the ongoing cooperation on intercalibration. Through the NAPSEA project, Rijkswaterstaat is gaining valuable knowledge and insight into effective nutrient management strategies.

The project enables Rijkswaterstaat and its partners to explore and implement innovative regulatory solutions, taking into account nutrient pathways from source to sea and aligning with different directives. In addition, the consortium's assessment of existing and potential measures, together with societal support, increases Rijkswaterstaat’s influence in the political and water management arenas.

These collaborative efforts will ultimately lead to improved project outcomes and more effective nutrient load reduction measures in both Germany and the Netherlands.

Harmonising nutrient reduction for a healthier future

The NAPSEA project will revolutionise the way we approach nutrient reduction by identifying options for a harmonised strategy across different geographical areas and policy frameworks. The project team will carefully select and evaluate different nutrient reduction scenarios through an integrated modelling framework that spans from source to sea. This framework will help them in defining safe ecological boundaries for ecosystems from catchment to coast.

NAPSEA aims to showcase best practice while addressing potential barriers to the implementation of socially acceptable, sustainable and effective measures. By looking at different local case studies within this geographical scope and considering the impacts of climate change, the project is committed to finding comprehensive solutions.

The ultimate goal is to have a significant positive impact on society by improving water quality and ecosystem health. In doing so, NAPSEA aims to promote sustainable development and a better future for all.


October 2021 - September 2025


Horizon Europe Framework Programme

Project website



Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares (project coordinator), Helmholtz - Zentrum Hereon GmbH, Fresh Thoughts Consulting GmbH, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Umwelt Bundesambt, Nutriënten Management Instituut.